Inaugural Meetings

Boeing’s spectacular keynote was a Seattle highlight. “What elephant?”
At the first semi-annual meetings (Chicago in August and Phoenix in October), Roundtable members listened to powerful presentations from Harvard’s Marc Roberts, the University of Pennsylvania’s Kathleen Hall Jamieson, & AASA’s Paul Houston. The Roundtable also examined social networks and community-school collaboration around health care and recreation in Phoenix’s Murphy School District. A dozen Roundtable members then met in Seattle to participate in Peter Senge’s November systems thinking conference, Pegasus.

Roundtable co-chairs Carol Choye and Les Omotani plan meetings

Marilyn Lousin-Miller, Hillsboro, CA records themes in Chicago

Vern Cunningham (standing) leads KIVA: Have you ever thought of quitting?

Susan O’Brien maps political, social, cultural and economic pressures

Diana Bourisaw, St. Louis (I) meets Kathleen Hall Jamieson

Communication requires agenda-setting, framing, & priming says Jamieson

Murphy School District’s fabulous Field of Dreams & playgrounds

T. Grieves, P. Wilson, & J. Williams (l to r) of Sioux City, Joliet & Buffalo

In Chicago, Marc Roberts outlines mega-trends driving national issues

Gerald Kohn, Harrisburg, PA (l) and Paul Houston AASA focus on KIVA

Paul Mohr’s Murphy School District welcomes the Roundtable to Phoenix

Paul Mohr (l) and Dennis Sandow plan presentation on social networks

Scott Palczewski (Kentwood, MI) and Steve Norton (Logan, UT) in Phoenix

Peter Senge (l) greets Roundtable’s Les Omotani in Seattle

Doug Hesbol, Laraway, IL, and Carl Bonuso, Wantagh, NY swap notes